Because, while you are working as a team you’ll also be playing to win. This gives Rage Cage a unique perspective compared to other drinking games like King’s Cup. In Rage Cage, players will be working together but also want to win for themselves as well. So, make sure you take that into account when setting up. But the larger the group, the more cups and beer you’ll need. Rage Cage works best with a group of six or more people, in our opinion. This means if you want to have fun, it’s best played with a group of friends.
The game can be played with two people, but this isn’t a two-player card game. To play Rage Cage, you’ll need plastic cups, ping pong balls, and plenty of beer. However, the game’s history isn’t really important as long as you know how to play it.
It seems likely that the game was a spinoff of Beer Pong originally. The history of Rage Cage is like many drinking games, a bit of a mystery.